Design Your Own Planet Worksheet. Encourage both creativity and scientific speculation with this fun worksheet. On this worksheet, your child will get the chance to be creative and.
With the possibility that there are billions and billions of undiscovered worlds out there, anything goes when you Design Your Own Planet! You can use these worksheets as-is, or edit them using Google Slides to make them more specific to your own student ability levels and curriculum standards. Make your own Planet free form, open ended.
Design your own planet lesson plan template and teaching resources.
Printable worksheets on the solar system and planets that you can use with your class.
Solar System Worksheets and Activities for Young Learners. Planets Word Wheel - Bottom: Make and then use the word wheel to make planets words appear, including: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. It is a little text heavy but you can rework the article to match you students'.