Natural Human And Capital Resources Worksheets. Colorful picture-word cards that the students can sort in small groups for practice and/or review. Use this worksheet to teach your child: • How to identify and differentiate between different types of resources • To understand.
Economics--Resources Sorting Center--Natural, Capital and Human Resources. Introduce your child to three different types of resources with a fun worksheet! Print Answer Key PDF Take Now Schedule Copy.
Productive resources: are the natural resources, human resource, and capital resources used to make goods and services.
Human activities impactHuman activities impact natural resourcesnatural resources Human beings find use for water, plantsHuman Over-fishing can lead to a reduction in animal numbers and humanreduction in animal numbers and human activities lead to pollution of marine watersactivities.
It is the environment that encompasses the interaction of all living species. In Native American culture, the following could be considered human resources. Introduce Natural, Human & Capital Resources.